Tuesday, July 1, 2008

summer job

everybodys getting one but me 
I have about zero previous job expeirence and yeah.. 
whatever I'll get one next summer :)
blah blah blah, 

List of things i need to do
a. keep up with my hygeine routine, (i.e. washing face everyday EVEN IF i sleepover somewhere) 
b. attempt to get a job
c. catch up with my friends who have been on vacation 
d. walk the dog
e. diet hbosausboudbAHAHAH 
f. get over T 
g. return allissas tanktop
h. take advantage of the lucky sale before it ends. 
i. SELL MY TRUE RELIGION JEANS TO A CONSIGNMENT STORE, quit putting it off emma ushsduohu

white eyeliner JUMBO-benefit 
nude lipstick 
a nice dress from UO 
some new scarfs

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